SportsReach Austria Ladies Mission 2015

SportsReach Austria Ladies Mission 2015

27 Oct

Monday 26th October

Monday afternoon and a 4pm kick off against a team from Aigen. Again we were blessed with a glorious afternoon with sunshine bathing the Schaldming pitch surrounded with the snow-capped mountains.


After the game we gathered in the small clubhouse at the corner of the field to share with the Aigen team and their supporters. Lara and Luca shared their powerful and very moving story of how they were in a car accident which sadly saw them lose their mom but how even through all of this they have seen and known God’s presence in their lives and know He has a plan and a purpose for them and they have the deep joy and assurance that one day they will see their mom again. Sue shared briefly after this and we gave out her booklet as well as bibles and the 4points bracelets to the players. A great time of fellowship and conversations followed afterwards.


Match report:

The teams lined up 8 a side and our own Luca went over to the opposition to make up numbers for them and midway through a very even first half the ball broke to Luca who even with Zoe closing her down quickly managed to get her foot to the ball and prod it goal wards! 1-0 Aigen.

Despite an injury to Vicky, sadly forcing her from the field, who had been pulling the strings in midfield with Jen, SportsReach responded and an equaliser came through Sarah. 1-1 half time.

SporstReach began to take more control in the second half possibly due to being able to introduce fresh legs and the goals began to come. The Aigen keeper was very unfortunate as 2 of the goals came from ricochets’ as she was clearing the ball with the first bouncing off Lara and moments later again off Annie with both going into the goal.

With Sue relishing her free role in midfield, gambolling around like a new born lamb, she began to pick out the passes and slotted the ball through for Ruth to score twice and for Sarah to score her second of the game. Jen also got in on the scoring action breaking through from midfield to score with a firm shot. Charlotte and Lizzie were staunch fullbacks at either side of Lara in defence and their confidence began to grow and Charlotte in particular began to make forays down the left, looking at one point like a naughty schoolgirl as she was reminded of her defensive duties and sheepishly returned to left back! The final goal of the game came from Luca as she broke away and fired an unstoppable shot into the top corner to give Aigen their well deserved second goal and made the final score 7-2.  Well played everyone!

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