Sponsored swim

Sponsored swim

20 Feb

Saturday 15th February saw over 60 swimmers descend on Lancaster University swimming pool throughout the day to try to swim a collective 100 miles to raise sponsorship for SportsReach and Breast Cancer Research.

Some swimmers came and swam a mile or so.  Others stayed and swam for most of the day,  many of them swimming several miles.  The top individual distance covered being 8 miles!!

At the end of the day the 100 mile target was totally smashed!!  Over 150 miles had been swum!

As yet the total raised is not known as many people have their sponsor money to collect and hand in, but we trust that much has been raised for both charities.

If anyone wants to still sponsor the swim, please get in touch office@sportsreach.org.uk or use the ‘How to give’ page on the SportsReach website.

A HUGE thanks to Lancaster Uni swimming pool who allowed us free use of the pool and to their staff who were so welcoming and helpful.

Picture shows Sue and Vicky, who organised the sponsored event with some of the swimmers who were there all day!!

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