3 Yorkshire Peaks Sponsored Walk

3 Yorkshire Peaks Sponsored Walk

16 Sep

3 Yorkshire Peaks Sponsored Walk

Saturday 12th September and 52 hardy folk set out to walk the 3 Yorkshire peaks of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough as a sponsored event for SportsReach.

Pen-y-ghent was scaled in what can only be described as gale force winds and torrential rain being driven at us horizontally as we climbed!  Thankfully it eased as we made our way onto Ribblehead to be met by our fantastic support crew – Sooty and Jacob, complete with a large tub of flapjack as well as many other supplies!  🙂

After a brief rest and change into dry clothes for some, Whernside was the next peak.  Some were treated to the spectacle of a steam train passing by before climbing back into the cloud complete again with driving rain and wind.

Two down and one to go!

Again it was great to see our support team parked on the roadside by Hill Inn, this time joined by Vicky with hot chocolate complete with cream and marshmallows, and several supporters and encouragers!

The final peak of Ingleborough awaited and as many ascended the cloud cover lifted and the walk was completed in welcome fine weather and a great view of Pen-y-ghent bathed in glorious sunshine before us as we walked back to Horton and to our start point, tired but glad to have been part of a great day!

Photo shows some of those who walked at the end of the day.  More photos on FaceBook.

Many thanks:

  • To Martin, Andy and Emily for arranging us and leading us on the day.
  • To Sooty for all the admin and organising before the day and for being the support team on the day.
  • To all who came and encouraged and even walked part of the way with us.
  • To all who took part and collected sponsors.
  • To all who sponsored – there is still time to sponsor us if anyone would like to! Please get in touch.  🙂

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