SportsReach 5 Aside

SportsReach 5 Aside

Some good football was played and 52 goals were scored on Wednesday night! The half-time message from Dave Lawson had us considering our goals in life, and that whatever we achieve will never fully satisfy – we were created by God, for God, and until we know Him...
SportsReach 5 Aside

SportsReach 5 Aside

Another great night for the 5 aside! Four competitive games, and a relevant and challenging message from John Gorst about the importance of knowing Jesus in our lives now. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” 2...

SportsReach 5 Aside

It’s great to have our 5 Aside league up and running again after over a year without! We have 8 teams taking part in a shortened season where everyone will play each other once. We had a great first week back with some good football played and a challenging...